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Preparing Your Artwork for Print

Preparing files for print is a key skill for any designer. In larger agencies, some designers only do design work, and the production department prepares the files for print. In smaller agencies and in-house marketing departments, designers generally complete the entire project themselves.

Either way, when submitting files for printing, you can save yourself time and money by preparing everything properly before submitting to your printer. 

We have put together a simple guide to help you with preparing your files for print. Take a look at the Artwork Specs & Templates page.

There is also a great blog post at Design For Print which goes into some detail around:

  • Bleed
  • Blacks
  • Specifying a Spot Varnish or UV
  • Pantone (PMS) and CMYK
  • Hairlines
  • Foldmarks
  • etc etc etc

Check out the blog post here.

If all of this sounds strange to you and you would like some help, take a look at our design services page or just get in touch.

Contact us today about how we can help you achieve your goals - just like we have for thousands of customers throughout Brisbane for over 25 years.