Environmental Misunderstandings Persist

The point we were making in one of our most popular blog posts, Consider the environment before printing...? Really?, has now be reinforced by more data in new research from international research company, Toluna.

This has been reported by Two Sides, who have noted;

"The majority of Australian consumers value paper but environmental misunderstandings persist. Results of a new survey conducted by Toluna Inc. show that a majority of Australians want to retain a choice for paper options rather than be forced into “digital-only” communications."

Some of the key findings include;

“Go Paperless-Go Green” claims are questioned by many

  • 83% receiving environmental claims like; “Go Paperless – Go Green”, or “Go Paperless – Save trees”, or “Get your bills online - it’s better for the environment” believe companies are seeking to save costs.
  • 56% question the validity of these claims.
  • 42% feel misled by these claims.

The report from Two Sides is certainly an interesting read.